Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 7:08 AM
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a) I've got more than 20 mosquito bites on my limbs right now. b) Denise have ZERO of these deadly bites because of spraying/applying more than 5 layers of insect repellant (of all sorts.. cream and oil). What a typical kiasu/kiasi Singaporean, but smart! c) Jeslin applied 3 layers, but have 8 mozzie bites. d) I applied once. e) I have learnt to be cautious whenever I open the rubbish chute's lid, because the last time I opened it, I was attacked by a flying cockroach! I was smart today! f) I didn't get to go for caregroup :((( g) Do you love cats? There is one at the school bus stop every day! It's so adorable that many people stopped by to look at it. No matter how many times some people tried to move it out of the walkway, it just gets back to the same position. How cuteeee. I will touch it some day. h) I'm so blessed to have awesome friends in school! Different bunch of people :) i) Psalms 20:7 j) Phillipians 1:4-6 k) The real secret to holy discontentment, you need to have unsurrendered will. l) Ghost Whisperer is freaky! m) If you're brave enough, visit! It's an online horror game that only functions from 6pm to 6am. n) I had the urge to brush my tongue while bathing, and I did it! :D o) I am starving! p) I am craving for soup. And bananas! q) I learnt in Cross Cultural Class today that I have to look beyond the skin color/ we are too influenced by western media/ don't judge if you don't want to be judged/ AND MORE! This is very important, especially for Christ followers... Got to re-evaluate our perspective of people of different race and cultures :) r) My phone's keypad is going haywire very soon.. :( Have difficulties in pressing '5' and star sign. s) I need to discipline my journalling with God! t) I think that the library's security guard must be really really really really really bored. I was laughing, at the library's exit, and he actually 'SHHHHed' me. Wow. u) Vivi is self-learning english! Yayyy. v) I'm going to write down people's birthdays on a scheduler, soon. I hope it helps me remember special dates better! LOOK, I'm making effort here. :) w) God just shows himself faithful every single time.. Thank You Daddy! x) $4.20 for 2 soft-boiled eggs, 2 kaya butter toast and a cup of tea at YaKun's with Yingying this morning. Is it worth it? I doubt so. It's nice, but probably overrated/priced? y) I think the 9pm Chinese show 'Bu Fan De Ai' is extremely meaningful. z) I'm going to find food now! BYE! |
![]() info Hello! I'm Florence, a Communications and Media Management student in Temasek Poly. Serving in the youth ministry of Hope Church Singapore. I love to sing, play sports and do administrative work! archives January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 affiliates denise y-east carrie joleen huijuan menghong pastor shirls jasmineloh yiqin pastorben yingjie tryphoza dennisloh winstar yanyu pastor jeff aloy-ooi jacquelyn melissa magdalene lestari zyann joycetan sabrinacheng estherleow fionaleow geckting y-choir jeslin ahbejooneo hopeteachings lovelanguages prissyler shirleykam newell joanhoe sylvia jade daixuan erinaseah kim jency caleb jasmin shirlene yenping stella jaslin shixuan branda elaine angie EASTAYEONE! manling tagboard credits skin by: Jane |