Sunday, May 17, 2009 @ 8:20 PM
Story of Pimples and Spoon "HELLO HELLO!:) THE DANGER OF PROCRASTINATION! I'm as normal as can be. Like every average teenage girl, I do not like pimples, but I do get them. Maybe because of my oily skin, fringe covering forehead, ladie's special periods, or.. scratching my face with dirty hands. I am not blessed in the area of skin complexion. So, in order to prevent breeding a pimple farm, I had to have extra protection. I wash my face twice daily, apply basic skin care such as toner and moisturizer. Of course, pimple cream as well! As usual, as I was putting on all these stuff, and it dawned upon me. Those few times I ignored this routine, I really did have extra pimples growing out from everywhere. I was either too tired to do anything, or being plain lazy, thus skipped it. Man, once is bad enough. One pimple could multiply to three, imagine the consequence I would face, if I skip the skin care routine for the next 3 days, the next week... You'll say HELLO to a healthy growing pimple farm! "Hooray!" :S Moral of story: DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! I am not holy-holy, I admit I am unfaithful at times, I greet my dreams just after skimming through my Bible. Or sometimes, I don't even open it! Laziness..laziness..laziness. I need to overcome. I cannot afford to procrastinate! Procrastination will multiply if we allow it to grow. We'll end up becoming more lazy, lack of desire of God's Word, and eventually lose our spiritual hunger... I don't want to starve my spritual soul. If I am so uptight about pimples, all the more I should be consistent with spending time with God and reading the Word of life! Adding on, I would liken this principle to washing dishes as well. Every time we use a utensil, let's say, a mixer spoon to prepare a nice cup of coffee, we think, "Aiyah, it's just a small spoon, just leave it here. I will come back later to wash it." If everyone in the office/family thinks like this, I can predict the last person present is going to go through hell-washing. The suffering of clearing up the mess at the end is totally unnecessary. Girls, let's grow in consistency with our walk with God, together:) Love."
@ 4:14 AM
God can, if I can, YOU CAN! "I hope the following testimony will encourage those who have problems in going for camp, to really put their trust, faith and hope in God, knowing that He will always always make a way out for us :) 1. THE APPROVAL In case you still do not know, I'm currently in my 2nd month of poly internship, which will last for 6 months. There are many rules that I have to follow, but one rule, I disliked the most was - 'No leaves allowed'. "HOW. I can't make it for camp!" How frustrating. I prayed a simple prayer. 'Dear God, I really want to go for camp. I'm gonna ask my supervisor to allow me to apply for leave. I cannot miss out on this camp! Help me to find the right timing and say the right words. Give me the extra courage that I need. Thank you in advance, in Jesus name, Amen!' Of course, still with a slight nervousness, I tried to pop the question a few times to my supervisor. One whole day passed, and guess what? I still haven't asked. That night, Cheng asked me, "Eh, how ah, can you go for camp?" "No, I haven't asked yet." "What?! You better ask by this week!" roared Cheng. Okayyy.. I had to ask, SOON. I did :) Once again, I really thank God for technology - MSN. Thank God for that, thank God my office can use MSN everytime, thank God my supervisor was online during work, thank God for giving me courage to ask (though online), and lastly, thank God He made a way!! Though I cannot apply for leave, and that I have to work OT tp gain back the 16 hours I will be missing from work, it is truly a blessing that I can go for full camp! I don't think there are many other interns who will receive such privileges:) 2. FINANCE, NOT A PROBLEM TOO BIG FOR GOD! A week left to end of early bird registration. Not only do I have to pay for camp fees myself, I don't have enough cash on hand. Again, I prayed a simple prayer. 'Dear God, help. What a miracle you did in helping me get approval to go for camp, I pray for another miracle so as to be able to pay for early bird camp fee! Thank you Lord, Amen.' You know what, just before Saturday (supposedly last day of early bird regsitration), I got part of my salary! Though my supervisor forgot to fill in cheque for my salary, he didn't forget my pay day, and gave me $200 first. Thank God!! I can pay for camp! :D 3. WHEN GOD BLESS, HE WILL DO IT ALL THE WAY! YES! So excited to pay for camp! Got the approval, money, and last thing to do is to submit the money!:) I had such a good night's sleep. Wake up early in the morning, all ready to go for singer's. Smiles were plastered all over my face. Only until, I received an sms from Shirlene Loo. Here it goes something like this: Hey easta1 girls! Today is last day of early bird registration! Please remember to bring $140 and the camp form ok? See you, love you girls! :) I'm stunned for a moment. SHUCKS. I FORGOT TO BRING MY CASH OUT. IT'S IN MY RED BAG! I felt totally stupid and frantic. Early in the morning, Jeslin told me that she has to reach somewhere by 10am. At that point of time, it was around 9.55am. I knew I still had to give it a try to call home to check if Jes is still there. Again, I prayed a simple prayer. 'Dear God, I know you will make a way. In Jesus name, Amen.' I dialled my home number immediately. "Hello, is ah en home?" said me. "Ah en? Wait ah," said Vivi (my maid), "Ah si is not home." "Eh.. I'm Ah si, is ah en at home?" I asked. "Oh ah en ah, you wait ah..." Vivi replied. "Hello, what?" said Jes. THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER! I'm uberly amazed at what You can do. You showed me once and again of your perfect, heavenly timing in all things. Your ways, always higher and better than our ways. I know this happened for a reason. 4. IT DOESN'T END THERE. If you read closely, I have to work 16 hours OT right? That is actually quite alot, my supervisor even asked me to stay overnight at the work place - even though I don't have to work proper 'work'. I can just, be there. For now, I'm down of 3 hours of OT! Recently, he offered me something better. For two Saturdays, I can just go for 3 hours of work (9am to 12pm) each, and the hours I work is considered double! Means in total, though I work for only 6 hours, I'm credited working for 12 hours! How cool is cool! If you're thinking, "Eh, 12PM LEH", read on. Each time I work on Saturday, I'm entitled to $10 transportation fee from my company. Plus, the distance from my work place to Nexus is so near, that I can walk there within 15-20 minutes! With that free $10, I will take a cab down instead!:) I can go for prayer meet. Yay! Dear girls, don't panic, don't fret if you still can't make it for camp. Keep desiring, pray by faith, our God is good! See you in camp, love! :)"
@ 2:13 AM
i love my family! "Dear Lovely Eastayeone babes! Remember the recent Mother's Day/ Family sermon Pastor Jeff taught? How is it being followed up? Are our attitudes/ actions different towards our parents? I just want to remind us, that it is very important to appreciate our family members, and this includes your siblings as well. It is a biblical thing to do!:) Below are some thoughts that I noted down, hope it triggers some reflection: 1) When we were young, we tend to hold our mom's hands wherever we go. It gives us a sense of security, belonging, protection... Whenever something bad happens, we will run to our parents and cry/ hug. We never want to let go. Remember the times you had to go onto the kindergarten school bus, did you cry when you had to leave your mom or dad? I did. Something I realised about people these days is that they seldom hold their parents' hands anymore.. Is it something embarassing? Afraid that people will say things like 'Wah, mommy's girl/boy..'? Well, if you think that way, I'm so... I shan't continue my sentence, it's too mean. You get my point. 2) Mother's/ Father's Day is too commercialised! Probably the only reason why florists and jewellers are so happy is because business thrive on these 'special' days. However, what do parents really want? Expensive flowers or gifts? I don't think so. They work, it's not as if they can't buy them themselves! How much quality time or appreciation are we giving them? Make Mother's Day and Father's Day every Day. 3) Time spent at home: With family VS with computer. What's the ratio? Sometimes, all we need is to offer our presence. We may not need to talk alot, but we can just take out some time off from the computer and join your dad in watching TV - whether we like the show or not. I'm sure it makes a difference! 4) I'm not excluding the fact that some of us here really do care for our parents, but is it that hard to just ask a simple, 'How are you?' It's the same to our friends, people whom we love and show concern to. When we genuinely want to know how someone is doing, we will ask, right? 5) '$$$' Home is not hotel, neither is it a self-automated bank. Don't take our parents for granted! 6) People needs to be encouraged and appreciated. If we're able to write countless encouragement cards to each other, and we know it DOES encourage and make someone feel loved, I'd strongly suggest we start writing to our parents as well! They are human beings, they have feelings too :) As much as you need emotional support, they need it too. Be the best daughters/sons we can be! 7) Respect. I love 'Children's Day'! I remember the school will always give out adorable gifts to us kids, and we'll go 'ooo..yay!' kinda thing. Do you know that our parents work their heart and lungs out, so that we can live everyday like 'Children's Day'? The fact that we don't have bones sticking out of our bodies, we don't leave the house naked, and that we don't sleep on streets at night, that's our unspoken gift from our lovely parents. How sacrifical! 8) It is not a MUST to slog their guts out, it's a choice. My parents, at such an age, didn't even have the chance to go overseas as much as I do! They face stress all day long, earn money, and willingly give the money to us for us to enjoy; be happy. Imagine the fun/ money/ time they can have for themselves without the kids, but they still chose to love us and provide for us. 9) Sometimes we as children complain about our parents, 'Where are you when I need you? You are always not there for me!' Well... are we there for them? 10) I love the way how Pastor Jeff relates our parents as the 'Fever Fairy'. True, when I'm sick my mom will make sure I've got my blanket on, check the fan power, remind me to have my medicine etc. How sweet! Of course, so many more incidents, I'm sure you have yours too :) Thank them. They deserve every bit of it :) 11) Greet our parents. Let them know we know and still acknowledge of their presence. 12) Yes! We love our spiritual family, but don't forget our physical family too! No excuses! 13) "I don't know how to communicate with my child, they seem so far away," said Mom/Dad. If they don't make the first move, YOU MAKE IT! It's not too hard to give a call or an sms, right? Girls, if we truly want a revival to happen in the family, we have to have personal revival first! Be the salt and light, the brightest star at home, a living testimony of life transformation, the best child, the obedient one - Be faithful Christ ambassadors! Your one life count, you're there for a reason!!"
Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 11:32 PM
self - entertaining Okay, forget it. I shall update here as well. The power of copy and paste!:) Lovin' it! "Shirlene, you don't laugh. People! How do you spell DISCIPLE? D-I-S-C-I-P-L-E right? Our dear Shirlene Loo spells it as D-I-S-C-I-P-L-I-N-E. Related words, but totally different meaning! HAHAHAHA, I've got a testimony to share too! Yesterday, on my way to meet Shirlene for shepherding, I slept on bus 32 for a very very long time.. Suddenly, I felt an indescribable urge to wake up, so I did. I was still in a daze, until I saw two feared people - bus ticket officers. One was checking from the front door, the other from the back. I'm directly in the middle. "I want to get off the bus. NOW! They can't find out that I'm using Sirui's card!" I thought to myself, but it's impossible to escape because the bus was not only far away from the next stop, it was stopped by the red traffic lights. I wanted to jump down. But, I prayed, "Dear God, I don't know how, but I really really need some intervension NOW." Just for your information, in case you don't know the complications you might face if you're found out with a card that doesn't belong to you, you will: 1) Get fined 2) Card most likely will get confiscated 3) Throw your face to Dead Sea As the two officers drew nearer and nearer, I guess I acted well. I looked the least nervous, still in my dazy-sleepy look, but deep down, I'm screaming my lungs out! Finally, the time has come, for my card to be checked. I took out my black wallet, unclipped the button, shoved my whole wallet to male ticket officer (keeping in mind I don't want to take out the card myself), and looked out of the window with crossed fingers... God is AWESOME!! Not only did the ticket officer NOT take out the card, which usually they require you to do so to check the face-match, he also DIDN'T realise the fee I'm paying is student's price!! :D Miracle after miracle! Who can deny about His reality? God is really good. He always work something out, in His perfect plan and perfect timing. He is never late, never early, and I'll trust that my future is safe in His hands! Praise GOD! :)"
@ 11:25 PM
eastaye1 I'll put you on hold:; Hello to YOU:! I'll just drop by you to check on tagboard, but posting stuff at eastaye1:) |
![]() info Hello! I'm Florence, a Communications and Media Management student in Temasek Poly. Serving in the youth ministry of Hope Church Singapore. I love to sing, play sports and do administrative work! archives January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 affiliates denise y-east carrie joleen huijuan menghong pastor shirls jasmineloh yiqin pastorben yingjie tryphoza dennisloh winstar yanyu pastor jeff aloy-ooi jacquelyn melissa magdalene lestari zyann joycetan sabrinacheng estherleow fionaleow geckting y-choir jeslin ahbejooneo hopeteachings lovelanguages prissyler shirleykam newell joanhoe sylvia jade daixuan erinaseah kim jency caleb jasmin shirlene yenping stella jaslin shixuan branda elaine angie EASTAYEONE! manling tagboard credits skin by: Jane |